
Showing posts from February, 2022

Yoga for Beginners: 10 Basic Poses (Asanas) to Get You Started

 If you're new to yoga, start with these 10 basic asanas (poses).   Some will tell you that yoga e xercise is too slow and boring instead it is an intense and holistic exercise. This ancient forms of fitness  with roots in India focuses on developing balance,strength and flexibility . (Start yoga with 4-5 minute of Sukhasana/ Meditation)  Don't let anyone misguide you as these are all consequences of practicing yoga and not prerequisites. No one expects you to master the asanas on the very first day.  Yoga  is all about pushing past your body's limits over time. To begin, it's helpful to keep the following things in mind:-             1 .    If you have a history of a chronic disease or are recovering from an injury,                                 consult your physician before commencing.          ...

Beginner’s Yoga Questions Answered

  The first thing I like to tell new students who are thinking about practicing yoga is to throw their ego out the window. Yoga is  not  about competition. What your neighbor’s body can do today has no connection to what yours can do. Everyone has to start as a beginner. I know this is all easier said than embraced, and it’s only human to feel self conscious entering a new world, especially one as daunting as a first yoga class. So to help you out, here are some answers to the most common beginner yoga questions. 1. Why we are not able to do yoga everyday? Pain is the one of the most common reason why people are reluctant to practice yoga inflammation and muscle soreness isn’t always a bad thing. A  reasonable amount of pain and soreness  after yoga is actually beneficial. It means that your muscles got a good workout, and when they recover, they’ll be even stronger  than they were before. inflammation and muscle soreness isn’t always a bad thing....

Why Yoga?

Introduction to Yoga  Just to remind you that  While living a modern life, your brain is constantly engaged in endless thoughts and never rests in tranquility. As a result, you lack focus, skill and vitality. The  yoga calms the brain and enhances its vital functioning . This makes it the most effective and important practice to adopt in modern times. Why Yoga? Yoga  helps in keeping our mental and physical health intact. It helps us to connect to nature. Furthermore, your body becomes more flexible after consistent yoga practice and you also develop a great sense of self-discipline and self-awareness. In short, it improves our well-being and gives us better mental clarity. 1 0 health benefits of Yoga • Improves posture. ... • Increases flexibility. ... • Builds muscle strength. ... • Boosts metabolism. ... • Helps in lowering blood sugar. ... • Increases blood flow. ... • Keep diseases at bay. ... • Increases self-esteem. Take out some time from your busy schedule a...