
Showing posts with the label yoga

Yoga for Beginners: 10 Basic Poses (Asanas) to Get You Started

 If you're new to yoga, start with these 10 basic asanas (poses).   Some will tell you that yoga e xercise is too slow and boring instead it is an intense and holistic exercise. This ancient forms of fitness  with roots in India focuses on developing balance,strength and flexibility . (Start yoga with 4-5 minute of Sukhasana/ Meditation)  Don't let anyone misguide you as these are all consequences of practicing yoga and not prerequisites. No one expects you to master the asanas on the very first day.  Yoga  is all about pushing past your body's limits over time. To begin, it's helpful to keep the following things in mind:-             1 .    If you have a history of a chronic disease or are recovering from an injury,                                 consult your physician before commencing.          ...